
Study Table Placement

October 31, 2024



Are you finding it hard to focus or achieve your academic goals? Believe it or not, the placement and arrangement of your study table could be affecting your concentration and productivity. According to study table Vastu, the energy in your study space plays a significant role in enhancing focus and clarity. With just a few simple adjustments to your study table setup based on Vastu principles, you can create a positive environment that fosters better learning and academic success. Let’s explore how these study table Vastu tips can help unlock your true potential!

Why Vastu for the Study Table Matters


This table is not merely an object in your room. Your study table is so much more than this! It is the main focal point, the creative, and learning engagement of learners. Proper alignment and placement of the table according to Vastu principles can:

  • Increase ability to concentrate or pay attention.
  • Reduce distractions.
  • In order to build the illusive positive energy in the home, the furniture placement should promote the free flow of energy around the house.
  • Enhance memory and memory maintenance skills.
  • Seems to foster general accomplishment in academics and other related careers.

Ideal Placement of the Study Table

1. Direction for Placement

  • According to the principles of study table Vastu, the study table should preferably be placed in the northern, eastern, or northeastern direction while studying. These directions are believed to bring such energies as positive energy into the home; hence, they are regarded as lucky directions.
  • Do not position the building to face the south as it will interfere with the business and productivity of the firm.

2. Position in the Room

  • Position the study table in a manner that the student faces a wall in operation to ensure a strong back-stop to their life.
  • Do not position the table just below a beam or next to a window through which noise or distractions might interfere.

3. Avoid Cluttered Corners

  • It’s important not to put the study table in the corners or other places filled with stick energy, such as empty closets.

Study Table Design According to Vastu

1. Shape and Material

  • The table should also have a rectangular or square base because it has to do with stability or balance.
  • Do not use complex geometric shapes when fixing your tables since they will cause distractions and interruptions.
  • Some of the recommended materials include the wood material because it is natural for enhancing the energy flow. Do not use metal tables as it can be stressful and uncomfortable to the occupants of the house.

2. Size

  • The table should be moderately big, neither too large, nor too small to allow free movement around it and proper organization of studies.

3. Color

  • Preferred colors should, therefore, be silky and gentle such as white, creams, light green, and light blue. These coloration encourage positive thinking, reduce tension and enhance relaxation as well as focus and innovation.
  • Avoid the use of dark or very light colors, these are stressful or hyperactive colors respectively.

Arrangement of Study Essentials

1. Books and Stationery

  • Arrange the books and stationery properly on the table or put it on a nearby shelf.
  • It’s best to have only the necessity on the table to prevent interruptions.

2. Placement of Bookshelf

  • If you have a bookshelf, placing it in the North or East direction of the study area is preferred.
  • It is unadvisable to have imposing bookshelves placed over a table because this yields a sense of weight.

3. Lamp Placement

  • For better illumination, you can use a study lamp. According to study table Vastu, the lamp should be positioned to the left of the table for right-handed people and to the right of the table for left-handed people.

4. Study Table Decor

  • It is desirable to have a small indoor plant or a flower, for instance, a bamboo or a money plant, in the house.
  • Do not put knives or other sharp items in the house, or such things as cactus or any thing that may give out negative energy.

Lighting and Ventilation

1. Natural Light

  • Make sure the study table is placed at a place where natural light is available abundantly. This assists in improving the mood and increasing the level of productivity.
  • The table should not be positioned right beside the window because there is a tendency that the person would prefer looking outside rather than working.

2. Artificial Light

  • Lighting should also be properly done with a view of making the environment around the study proper well lit.
  • Do not sit near sources of bright or low light since these tend to put pressure on the eyes and one has limited focus.

3. Ventilation

  • Well, a proper ventilation of that room will make the energy flow well around the student, hence, making the student feel more refreshed and alert.

Do’s and Don’ts for Study Table Vastu


  • It is very important to sit straight with your back straight when doing your studying. A good posture is good for creating positive energy.
  • Ensure the study table as well as the around area should also be clean and orderly kept.
  • Set a globe or map on the table to make it have a perceptive appeal of a learning environment.


  • Do not put anything on the table since clutter on the table means a cluttered mind.
  • It is improper to use a table that is broken or shaky because its implication is that life is full of instability.
  • Don’t have gadgets like notebook, cellular phone and other things on the table that might interfere with you.

The Role of Vastu Elements

1. Water

  • Have a small bowl of water or a water fountain kept in the northeast part of the house for getting a stress free mind.

2. Earth

  • Blow up some balloons and have the color be either earth tones or have a natural resource like plants.

3. Fire

  • Sometimes burn a small candle or a lamp in different study areas to attract positive energy.

4. Air

  • Appropriate airflow through the windows or a fan will create a fresh and lively ambiance in the space.

Using Mirrors and Symbols

1. Mirrors

  • Do not add mirrors in the vicinity to the study table since they can cause distractions.

2. Motivational Quotes

  • There is nothing wrong with pasting motivational quotes or inspirational pictures in front of the study table.

3. Symbols

  • It is better to have some small statue of Lord Ganesha at the table in order to avoid any sort of hindrance and to have Goddess Saraswati at the table , if possible.

Common Mistakes to Avoid


1. Facing a Blank Wall

  • Do not choose a place with a wall immediately at your back when sitting. If possible, put pictures that motivate you on the wall or put up a dream board.

2. Distractions

  • It is recommended that you keep the study area as far as possible from televisions, noisy appliances and other distractions.

3. Improper Chair

  • The chair that must be used with the study table must be comfortable, possess high back and superior support. Do not count on worn out or short chairs that offer little or no comfort.

Final Thoughts

A Vastu compliant study table does not only enhance the concentration levels and learning abilities of a student but also helps create a positive attitude towards studies and learning out of discipline previously brought in by the design. Thus, following these easy measures you can provide the atmosphere conducive to academic and personal development.

As with any decision in interior design, the fundamental principle of Vastu is not punitive – its importance lies in the ability of the space to inspire the occupant. It is possible to get a perfect combination of Vastu ideas and other individual desires to get the best study environment for success.