October 30, 2024
For a person's profession, 1st of all see his education, then the 10th house and the 6th house.
A person will do the job (written on the same page)
Rule 1:- if the sub-lord in the star of the 10th house refers to/indicates the 6th house then a person will do the job.
Rule 2:- if it indicates or refers to the 7th house then business.
Rule 3:- if it indicates 5 or, 9 then he will do his work.
Rule 4:- if it indicates to 6 & 7th then he will do job and business.
While, predicting of career first look at his/her education (4th), house of competition (5th) then check his profession, house of the profession (10th), wealth house (2nd), and also check from where he will earn money.