Posture:- Blanket / or any fabric that does not conduct heat
Seat color:- red
Chanting Timings:- Three evenings are prescribed for ordinary seekers, which are the first (from 4:00 am to 07:30 and ) the second sandhya (from 11:00 in the morning and the afternoon to 1:30 afternoon), the third evening (04 the evening): from 30 to 07:30)
Chanting Number:- 3 Lakhs
Minimum chanting number:- 3 rounds per day
Day to start chanting:- Any Lagna period or Monday or Friday
Facing Direction:- East or North
Gayatri Mantra Method
Garland:- Tulsi / Sandalwood
Mala Colour:- White
Asana:- Sukhasana
Color of the seat:- White but such that it is a poor conductor of heat (such as silk/blanket/kush grass/as per availability
Chanting Timings:- Three evenings are prescribed for ordinary seekers, the first (from 4:00 am to 07:30 and ) the second sandhya (from 11:00 in the morning and the afternoon to 1:30 afternoon), the third evening (04 in the evening): from 30 to 07:30)
Chanting Number:- 3 Lakhs
Minimum chanting number:- 3 rounds per day
Day to start chanting:- Any Lagna period or Monday, Friday, or Sunday
Direction of the face:- East in the morning and West in the evening
Gayatri Mantra
Om Bhurbhuva: sva: tatsaviturvarenyam bhargo devasya dhimah dhiyo yo nah prachodayat