
Vastu For Store Room

October 31, 2024



Did you know the store room plays a crucial role in the energy dynamics of your home? Often overlooked, this space can impact prosperity, stability, and harmony when aligned with Vastu for store room principles. Whether it's about proper placement or organizing essentials, a Vastu-compliant store room can clear energetic blockages and make way for abundance. Ready to transform your storage area into a powerhouse of positivity? Let’s explore how!

Why is the Store Room Important in Vastu?

Vastu for store room

It is also suggested by Vastu Shastra that every subspace of the house possesses its energy field and has its own role. The store room, according to Vastu for store room, is an assortment of those things that are not commonly used or not so frequently used in the home or workspace. When these items are put anywhere anyhow, they can trigger stagnation in energy and life in general.

By following Vastu guidelines, you can:

  • The feng shui of your home should be improved in order to increase the positive energy flow.
  • Make sure that whatever is stored stays useful and safe and from any external factors.
  • Do not clutter your mind and environment, clean both your mind and your body for increased well-being.

Ideal Location for the Store Room

Vastu is sensitive to the location of the Vastu for store room. The correct position preserves the saved objects while keeping the energy circulation of the home space constant.

1. Southwest Direction

According to the authors, the correct place to set up shop in the store room must be at the southwest corner. This direction signifies strength and firmness, thus it is convenient for storage of heavy or infrequent items.

2. Avoid the Northeast

The northeast direction is highly spiritual linked with good energy and success. To prevent this, the currents of these positive energies can be hindered by placing a store room here and undesirable conditions are sure to follow.

3. Secondary Options

In case the southwest is not feasible then the west or the south direction can also be taken for the store room.

Designing a Vastu-Compliant Store Room

Having made up the locations favorable for the store room, the second stage involves arranging the store, store room, and designing it based on the principles of Vastu shastra.

1. Entry and Door Placement

  • Preferably the door of the store should face the northern or eastern direction. These directions let positive energy come into the room.
  • It is banned to have the door in the southwest direction.
  • Make sure that the door is easy to open, that there are no obstructions in the door to represent that life should be free flowing.

2. Storage Arrangement

  • Put large, weighty objects such as furniture, suitcases or bulky storage containers in the South West or in the South part of that room.
  • Foods that are not easily spoiled can be placed at the northern or eastern part of the house using shelves.
  • When placing items in the storeroom avoid crowding the central part in order to allow for free movement thereby promoting proper energy circulation through the area.

3. Wall Colors

  • Choose light and as far as possible non-threatening colours for the walls which could be white, off white or light pastel shades. These colors are wonderful for the giving reception and it creates perceptions of space and positivity.
  • Still, it is better not to have dark or sharp tones of colors, which creates a heavy and oppressive atmosphere.

4. Flooring

  • The floor of the store room should preferably be at par with the rest of the house or slightly raised. The floor which is higher provides more solidity and firmness to the items as well as to the stored on them.

5. Windows and Ventilation

  • Thus, it is necessary to exclude the stagnation of negative energy.
  • Use of windows in the house should be directed towards the east or the north so as to create adequate ventilation and light.

Maintenance and Organization

Like any other store room, it is not just placement and design that count, upkeep and right arrangement matter much in a store room that follows Vastu principles.

1. Decluttering Regularly

  • Sometimes it becomes appropriate to check and remove some items that may be in the store room and which are of no use any more.
  • Clutter indicates lack of change, and by extrapolation negative change, in the space it occupies.

2. Organized Storage

  • Other items should be arranged in shelves, racks and even boxes.
  • It is more advisable to label the storage containers so that you can easily identify the items needed at any one time.

3. Avoid Storing Certain Items

  • Articles that are flawed or have been previously broken should not be kept since they represent bad omen.
  • Anything that is linked to past failure or negative experience should be taken away to clear the energy around.

Common Vastu Mistakes to Avoid

Vastu for store room

1. Cluttering the Store Room

Disorganization of store room energy makes the place stagnant and most often causes mental and physically related stress. It should also be noted to do proper cleaning of the space and changing the organization layout.

2. Placing the Store Room in the Center

Brahmasthan is a centre of sacred and balanced energy in every residential place of a house. Having a store room at this place also affects the energy balance in one way or another.

3. Ignoring Lighting

The negativity of a store room is best promoted by leaving it in the dark. Ensure that the environment is well lit so that the environment remains appearing inviting.

Enhancing Positive Energy in the Store Room

Apart from designing your store room based on the above principles of Vastu, there are some other ways that can enhance the power of positive energy.

1. Use of Rock Salt

  • It is recommended that you put a bowl of rock salt at the corner of a store room.
  • It takes bad energy and cleans wherever it is put. Replace it every month.

2. Aromatherapy

  • There are cases where they [essential oil diffusers] are used to create a positive atmosphere, for instance, lavender, sandalwood, or citrus are good for store rooms.

3. Regular Cleaning

  • Dust and dirt are known to hold undesirable energies or, as some would prefer, negative vibrations. This is true given the fact that cleaning of the space is crucial to ensure the holiness of the place.

Benefits of a Vastu-Compliant Store Room

A store room designed and maintained according to Vastu principles offers several benefits:

Energy Balance: Helps to organize a free movement of the streams of light energy in the house.

Mental Clarity: A clean store room brings comfort and minimizes the level of chaos thereby enhancing the flow of an individual's thinking.

Financial Stability: Reduces accumulation of stocks that may not be useful and expenses that may not be required hence good financial propelling.

Enhanced Well-Being: This is where they have a clean and vastu compliant space improves the mood and well-being of the inhabitants.

Final Thoughts

In spite of the fact that this place might not necessarily be considered as one of the nacho bedrooms in a house, everyone can state that it brings a certain energy to the house. If you follow these Vastu for store room remedies, then getting the store room designed in an apt manner will not only help store things properly, but will also make the environment of the entire house positive and prosperous as well.