
Moles in Astrology

October 30, 2024



Those people who have the Rajyoga in their horoscopes will have a royal mark or mole on the hand or the foot.

The planets in the houses that are above the horizon, i.e., 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12, indicate moles in astrology on the front of the body. Probably, the planets in these houses are visible. Houses 1 to 6 are below the horizon, and planets therein cannot be seen. Also, the planets in houses 1 to 6 indicate moles in astrology on the backside, which the person cannot see directly.

Benefic Jupiter, venus, mercury, or waxing moon in the 3rd house gives a mole in the upper part of the ear. Whereas malefic in the 3rd house produces a mole in the lower tip of the ear.

In the case of ordinary persons, having the mole in the upper portion of the ear, they will surely have a free flow of money and will not have any pressure for finance during the Dasha of the benefic in the 3rd house, (which produces this mole).

Therefore moles in the ear are said to be fortunate, one day or the other, sooner or later depending on the planet that has caused it.

If malefic occupies the 3rd house, the mole will be in the lower tip of the ear. This does not threaten any loss of money or honor but the danger to life by drowning, the sudden tragic end is pretended. Therefore during the period of the malefic in the 3rd house, try to keep off the water, and avoid traveling by boat or swimming.



The mole on the finger indicates that one can not be straightforward, he will be cunning and clever, but he will not be honest. He can not save money and be rich.

A mole on the thumb gives one a stubborn attitude. Due to rash action, he will get into trouble. He will be independent and aggressive. He may at times be foolhardy.

Moles in the finger of Jupiter bring a bad reputation for their indecisive nature. He is often thwarted by the myriads of obstacles and impediments. There is loss by speculation and litigation. There will be difficulty in getting one's inheritance.

A mole in the middle finger indicates that one needs diplomacy and business acumen. One will be selfish and miserly. Falsification of accounts, misappropriation, etc. is not ruled out.

Moles in the ring finger show that one is susceptible to infectious diseases. There will be dismissal or removal in service and financial trouble. He meets with all varieties of disappointments.

Moles in the little finger threaten trouble caused by indigestion and nervous breakdown. One may commit forgery or theft. He will cheat others and will never hesitate to carry tales. He can not be relied upon.


Moles in the chin indicate that he will not suffer even in adverse periods but will have providential help to enjoy his life. In lucky periods he is luckier than others. He will be liberal, hence not very rich. Yet he will never be in want.


Moles in astrology on the right shoulder indicate that he will marry a lucky partner. He will have social and financial success. He will not waste money. It promises much prosperity. If the mole is on either of the shoulders, one will be economical, prudent, and frugal. He is neither dull nor very intelligent. He will not be frank and outspoken.


On either side of the body, near any of the ribs, if there is one mole or many, the person lacks courage and confidence and is fond of an easy life. He is contented even though he may remain poor, hence not respected by his relatives and friends. Even his wife will not cooperate with him. His children will not be obedient and dutiful. He is lazy and lethargic and does not work for the improvement of his bank balance. He will be given to drinking and thereby waste money. He will have no pleasure of love. A bad position for the mole on the side of the body.


The mole in the pit of the stomach indicates that the person will become rich. He may not qualify much but he will be industrious. With his common sense, he will carry out his work and satisfy his superiors. He will be of pleasant manners and accommodative nature.

If the mole is in the lower part of the stomach, he will help others through his influence and he will not do anything e.g.- he will promise to donate 100/- but finally, he will give only 50 N.P. He will not give anything to others personally but will remain pretending for one excuse or the other and continue to give future hopes. As such people may respect him on the face but on the back they will curse him.


The mole in the throat is in a very good position. In moles in astrology, it indicates his fortune together with his lucky and rich wife. Ladies having such a mole find their husbands, though born in an obscure family at the time of marriage, yet they become rich from the time of marriage. In most cases, rich boys marry poor girls who have moles in their throats or on the chin.


People will have black moles in their ankles if Rahu, Ketu, or Shani occupies the 11th house which indicates ankle, and Saturn, Rahu, or Ketu are the malefic planets causing moles.

Cowardice is indicated by the mole in this area. If the Lagna is aspected by Saturn, he will not be bold, but the life partner will be courageous, alert, and active as it is in the 5th to the 7th house.

When a person has Shani and Rahu in the 11th house whether benefic or malefic by nature, promises a happy and harmonious wedded life. One can be sure of these results if he has a mole in the ankle.



The third house occupied by the malefic indicates a mole in the arm, especially when it is a movable or common sign. The fixed sign indicates that the mole will be in the neck. Those who have moles in their arms will be courteous and industrious. They face many difficulties.

A mole in the arm indicates that a person will be a widower at 40.

It is mentioned in 'UTTARA KALAMRIT' that Rahu or Ketu in 5 or 9 conjoined with or aspected by lords of 2 and 7 cause death. The intelligent application should be applied as below:-

Lagna indicates the person, the 7th house shows the wife, Rahu is in the 9th to 7th house, and Saturn is lord of the 7th to 7th. Hence Rahu in 9th conjoined with the lord of 7th from 7th caused a sudden tragic end to his wife. This is how every rule is to be applied.


The mole will be found on the right breast if it is malefic in the 4th house or a sign of Cancer. Moles will be found on the left breast if the malefic is in the 10th house or Capricorn.

Moles on the right breast portray that one may be given to drink. He will be much attached to the love affairs. But at the same time, it threatens much misfortune in life. One may have a sudden reverse from riches to poverty. If the lord of the Navansh occupied by the owner of the 4th house is in 6, the person will have much pressure for money and he will mortgage his property. But if the lord of the 4th house is in the 8th or if the lord of 8 is in 4, the native once and for all sells away the property. Anyhow the person will lose possession of the property.

There may be many accidents. The 4th house indicates conveyance and building. If Malefic is in 4, the old wall may fall and he may be injured or may have an accident while traveling and the vehicle may get damaged.

Malefics in the 4th house show many children, mostly girls, The 5th house indicates children, only when the 5th house is occupied by malefic, either there will be no children or children may be stillborn or short-lived, but the 4th house is the 12th to the 5th and hence it shows expenses to them.

The person will have such friends that will cheat the native and will do harm as the 4th house forms a quincunx aspect with the 11th house which represents friends.

Moles in the left breast indicate that one will be hard working. He will accumulate wealth. Most boys will be born who may make their fortune by going overseas and establishing a connection with foreigners. In ladies, this mole shows their sincerity in love and sterling character. It promises that they will become richer and richer as age advances.


Moles in astrology hold significant meaning. Moles on the buttocks denote that one will be lazy and lethargic. The 7th house signifies the buttocks, and malefic influences in the 7th house oppose the ascendant and spoil the Lagna. Hence, the person will be idle, unsuccessful in their attempts, and dissatisfied with their income. Additionally, their expenses will exceed their income.

Saturn in 7th makes one idle. Mars in7 indicates extravagant partners. Rahu or Ketu in 7 increases the medical bill due to the partner's ailment.

Saturn depresses one and delays every action, Mars makes foolhardy and arrogant, thereby losing very good chances to come up in life.