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Surya Upasna
- Chanting of “Om ghrahini Surya Aditya Om” mantra. Must do it at least 108 times.
- Wear a gemstone or copper ring. You can do it for one hour from sunrise on Sunday morning, by purifying it with panchamrit in gold/copper, on the ring finger.
- Do havan from shveta arka (white extract) on Sunday.
- Don’t eat salty and oily things on Sunday. Avoid both things for some time.
- Donate salt, butter, red cloth, a red flower, and a copper plate.
- Keep fast on Saturday.
- Read aditya hridya strotra (आदित्य ह्रदय स्त्रोत).
- Serve your father.
- Wear Surya Yantra in Siddhi yoga on Sunday.
- Give jaggery and wheat to bull on Sunday.
- Donate anise, dates, and sugar.
- Donate almonds and coconut on pilgrimages.
- Suppress seven square copper plates in the sand on Sunday.