Free Jyotish Gemstone Recommendation

Which Gemstone is Effective and Suitable for you - IIAG Jyotish Sansthan offers Gemstone Recommendation

Please contact us here or email us at or call us +91 98 7385 0800 after you see your results. This basic report generation if you want full report analysis go for our paid service.

Our Gemstone recommendation is designed to reflect the balanced effect of many astrological principles that factor in to the selection of a gem. By nature, this is not a perfect science. Recommending gemstones is a complex process that requires a deep knowledge of Vedic Astrology and the specific use of gemstones. There are a number of schools of thought as to how to recommend a gemstone for a particular astrological chart, and opinions and interpretations from one expert to the next can often vary in this field. Please consult your Vedic Astrologer if you have any further questions.

Gem Report Form