Horoscope Kundli

Through the IIAG Institute, you can make a horoscope of your life only for Rs 3100. The following points will be covered in STARTER PRO VERSION @ 3100.

  • How will be your health?
  • How much respect you will earn in your life?
  • What will be your financial status?
  • What is the level of education and what will be the direction of this education?
  • What will be the status of houses, vehicles, children, diseases, and competition in life?
  • You can learn about marriage, wife, partnership, happiness in a relationship, parental property, property from the father, etc.
  • What will be your profession?
  • What is suitable for you: a job or business?
  • Chances of foreign travel.
  • The judicial trial, chances of imprisonment, success in politics, or not?
  • What is your lifestyle in the present condition?
  • What will be the impact of Mulank, Bhagyank, Manglik, Sadhasati, and gems on your life?
  • What are the solutions you should follow in your life?

All these points will be covered in STARTER PRO VERSION @ 3100.


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